You can read more about the Solid World as a DeFi platform that allows climate project developers to access working capital and carbon credit buyers to access supply at market rates by following the link. In this article, we dive into specific ways of using the Solid World token CRISP-C, which was launched in September 2023.
Tokens can be used to buy forward carbon credits
Carbon credits are from the CRISP-C pool with the following parameters:
- Registered with Gold standard
- TPDDTEC methodology V4.0
- Rural project area
- LDC Countries
- Project Start Date: 2022 or later
- Forwards are valid for up to 3 years from the date of issuance.
Project Buying Process:
- Go to the project page on the Solid World platform.
- Connect your wallet.
- Select the project tokens you want to buy.
- Pay for the forward carbon credits using the CRISP-C token.
The further the delivery date is, the greater the discount.
Solid World allows buyers of forward carbon credits to take their credits off-chain. To initiate this process, buyers need to contact Solid World and request to take their credits off-chain. Solid World will then burn the project tokens and notify the supplier of the contract transfer. The supplier will then deliver the carbon credits to the buyer`s account in the carbon registry.
Tokens can be used for trading
The token is available for purchase on Uniswap. The launch price for the token was $10.75. It is now $8.58.
Cumulative Trading Volume is constant.
There are 14 holders, with the main share of tokens held by a few wallets.
Tokens can be used for staking
At the time of writing this post, the Liquidity Pool composition is $76.24:
- 137,15 USDC (25.59%)
- 46,48 CRISP-C (74.41%)
The variable annual percentage rate (APR) of LP Tokens is 1,013.70%, which is made up of 0% USDC and 1,013.70% CRISP-C. The vAPR for USDC was reset to zero in November 2023.
8.16 CRISP-C LP tokens were staked. Now tokens aren’t available for requirement as the biggest liquidity provider wants to change the token pair.
Since we are talking about private climate investments, the most suitable option is staking. Currently, the reward is 1,013.70% CRISP-C. It is necessary to keep track of when the liquidity tokens will be available again and at what interest rate.